Twine Templates
Undertale-style Text-Based Battle System — the battle system from Undertale, but for a Twine game. It is completely text-based, and damage dealt/taken is based on how quickly you click the attack/dodge buttons. Originally made in Harlowe 1. It can be adapted to later versions of Harlowe, though.
Faux Desktop — creates a Twine game that imitates the appearance of a computer desktop, so the player can rifle through a fictional computer. Includes different types of passages for different types of fake programs (websites, email, file explorer, etc.).
These templates are intended to be copy-pasted into different passages of a Twine story as the base for your own game. The first one is transferred over from my old website, and so is made for an older version of Twine. It might not work as-is in newer versions of Twine.
This page is currently under construction. Links will be added as things are transferred over/completed!